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Weekly Bible Study

Group meeting for spirtiual growth

S.W.I.C. ("Struggling Well in Christ") is weekly meeting for heroes focused on people in the Bible who experienced struggles and how they overcame. This study is geared to promoting a better quality of life with truth found in God's Word while also building camaraderie with other Veterans and first responders. ​​​


(Located in the Mayport, FL area,

ZOOM link available upon request)

Wellness Events

Promoting Mental and Spiritual Health 

We coordinate wellness events designed to enhance the spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being of veterans and first responders. These events include marriage enrichment, family support and personal resiliency. We also host workshops on suicide alertness, relationship enhancement and character development.

Speaking Engagements

One-on-one, group and church meetings

We offer individual sessions for heroes with Justin Bloom, a combat veteran who understands the journey. Also, as an ordained minister, Justin brings a unique perspective and heartfelt message to any organization willing to bring awareness to the struggles of our heroes. 

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